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Matt Acuña Buxton

Matt is a longtime journalist and longtime nerd for Alaska politics and policy. Alaska became his home in 2011, and he's covered the Legislature and more in newspapers, live threads and blogs.

Members Public

The Senate Finance Committee's had it with Dunleavy

After three years of ignoring norms and bullying the Legislature, they've had it with Dunleavy and could cut him out in his last term.

The Senate Finance Committee's had it with Dunleavy
Members Public

Legislators publish balanced path to larger PFDs. Dunleavy sticks to demands.

Walker’s back in the race, the legislative working group’s balanced path to bigger PFDs, Gov. Dunleavy’s demands, the agenda and the reading list.

Legislators publish balanced path to larger PFDs. Dunleavy sticks to demands.
Members Public

PFD in peril. The special session is a big bet by Dunleavy

The biggest enemy of the PFD has been the status quo, which Dunleavy almost ensures will continue with his hardline refusal to consider new revenues.

PFD in peril. The special session is a big bet by Dunleavy
Members Public

He's running... and demanding that taxes be put to a vote of the people

Gov. Dunleavy's back in 2018 campaign form, which means any hope that the Legislature might implement new revenue has been snuffed out.

He's running... and demanding that taxes be put to a vote of the people
Members Public

Dunleavy lets PCE ruling stand, avoiding risk of expanded precedent

82,000 Alaskans who rely on the Power Cost Equalization program can finally, truly breath a sigh of relief now that the governor announced he won’t challenge a ruling that restored its funding.

Dunleavy lets PCE ruling stand, avoiding risk of expanded precedent
Members Public

Judge rules PCE cannot be emptied as Dunleavy administration had claimed

Another swing and a miss for the Dunleavy administration.

Judge rules PCE cannot be emptied as Dunleavy administration had claimed
Members Public

Dunleavy supports a sales tax to cover cost of larger PFD, drops demand for voter approval

All in service of that larger dividend.

Dunleavy supports a sales tax to cover cost of larger PFD, drops demand for voter approval
Members Public

The PCE lawsuit is going to be a game-changer no matter the outcome

Political leverage, state budgeting and 82,000 Alaskans' energy bills. Way more than anyone wanted to know about the PCE lawsuit and what's at stake.

The PCE lawsuit is going to be a game-changer no matter the outcome
Members Public

The PCE lawsuit gets it day in court, Morgan resigns and Dunleavy proposes—GASP—revenues

Well, that last part has a big ol' 6'7" caveat next to it.

The PCE lawsuit gets it day in court, Morgan resigns and Dunleavy proposes—GASP—revenues
Members Public

'Nobody believes that.' Conservatives balk as the consequences for their actions come due

With a skeptical assembly sitting between him and a well-paid job in the Bronson administration, David Morgan claims his covid conspiracy posts were just a joke.

'Nobody believes that.' Conservatives balk as the consequences for their actions come due