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Matt Acuña Buxton

Matt is a longtime journalist and longtime nerd for Alaska politics and policy. Alaska became his home in 2011, and he's covered the Legislature and more in newspapers, live threads and blogs.

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The Senate operating budget has a point to make

That it can be balanced... without a PFD.

The Senate operating budget has a point to make
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Angry, Young and Sick. Fairbanks' covid-19 surge could be a sign of things to come.

The consequences of your actions.

Angry, Young and Sick. Fairbanks' covid-19 surge could be a sign of things to come.
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After long, exhausting and mostly dumb weekend, the House postpones final debate on the budget

Things went off the rails.

After long, exhausting and mostly dumb weekend, the House postpones final debate on the budget
Members Public

As the budget advances, the size of the PFD starts to take shape

The House Finance Committee finally wraps up work on the budget with a larger-than-expected majority voting against a big PFD. Now a $500 PFD is on the horizon.

As the budget advances, the size of the PFD starts to take shape
Members Public

After marathon session, Legislature finally approves covid-19 disaster declaration

It took nearly seven hours, but the Senate churned through three dozen amendments and approved a narrowed extension of the state’s covid-19 disaster declaration on Wednesday night.

After marathon session, Legislature finally approves covid-19 disaster declaration
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Who could've possibly seen this coming?

$8 million in federal food stamp funding, which would fund about 2.2 million meals, is on the line if the Legislature can't pass a disaster extension in time.

Who could've possibly seen this coming?
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We're all over the pandemic, but that doesn't mean it's over

Patience is in short supply after 13 months. It's not an excuse to rush headlong into another outbreak.

We're all over the pandemic, but that doesn't mean it's over
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And the Reinbold came back the very next day

She just couldn't stay away.

And the Reinbold came back the very next day
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Want to buy: More time

In a move that no one except for everybody could have seen coming, the Legislature is winding up to kick the can on the state’s fiscal woes for another year.

Want to buy: More time
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The problem with high-tech solution to elections

In today’s edition: A rundown on Sen. Shower’s election bill as it finally, maybe gets a public hearing, education funding, the daily guidance and reading list.

The problem with high-tech solution to elections