Thanks, Matt, for investing significant time on this distressing issue. Thanks especially for introducing Jamelle Bouie to any readers not already familiar with him. Keep up the good work.

Dana Owen

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I read and resonsated with Jamelle Bouies column in the New York Times on what is really behind the "parent's rights" movement. It seems obvious that in Alaska that the "partent's rights" legislation and movement is based in large part on fear. Fear that children will learn the real history of the United States, fear that children will develop critical thinking and maybe even a modicum of autonomy in their ability to stick up for themselves. These parents are authoritarian who lack authentic authority with their children. As a preschool teacher for many years and later as a college teacher, I had many experiences with wonderful parents. I also had numerous experiences with racist, homophobic and ablist parents and I observed their children suffer. Kathrin

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