Thanks for your reporting! I am grateful you mentioned the progressive sweep in Fairbanks. I was really disappointed that ADN never had any coverage and I told them so and dropped my subscription. I rely on you, Dermot, the Beacon for real reporting.

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Dear Matt, I moved to AK in 1965 and have seen a lot changes. Some for the better and many for the worse. 2023 has been a hard year given a Governor who couldn;t care less about doing his job, an rabid right wing Attorney General and bunch of silly people in our legislature who don't seem to care about our state much either. I love Alaska and a big chuck of my life is invested

here. It is worth it in more ways I have time and space to say why here. We live in a great place with so many wonderful and talented people. It pains me to have to put up the a guy like Mike Dunleavy who was a terrible legislator, sort of a carpetbagger really and the rest to the people he likes to surround himself with.

I think there could be a bright side to this legislative session. We have bright and comptetent legislators who can turn things toward the changes that need to be made in the state government.

I am on their side and do what I can. May the force be with us. Thanks Matt for good reporting

and perspective. All the best, Kathrin McCarthy

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