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AKLEG Day 84: 'The absence of a compelling reason.'

A long litany of unanswered questions hasn’t stopped Gov. Mike Dunleavy and his Republicans from pushing to enact right-wing changes to education policy in Alaska, and that didn’t change on Monday.

AKLEG Day 84: 'The absence of a compelling reason.'
Members Public

AKLEG DAY: 40 minutes

It's been quite the week.

AKLEG DAY: 40 minutes
Members Public

AKLEG Day 77: 'High-risk'

‘We’re all trying to find the guy who did this.’

AKLEG Day 77: 'High-risk'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 73: 'Catch the car'

"Unbelievable levels of irresponsibility."

AKLEG Day 73: 'Catch the car'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 67: 'Establish and maintain'

Former Gov. Bill Walker broke the norms of the PFD law. Now, Dunleavy is effectively doing the same with the BSA.

AKLEG Day 67: 'Establish and maintain'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 65: 'Significant consequences'

As “adults play their political games” in Juneau, districts face tremendous, community-dividing uncertainty as they turn to cuts.

AKLEG Day 65: 'Significant consequences'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 63: 39-20

While Republicans claimed there's still time to fund schools, the future is far from certain.

AKLEG Day 63: 39-20
Members Public

AKLEG Day 63: 'I will be voting to override'

Since when does the governor get to tell the Legislature how to do things?

AKLEG Day 63: 'I will be voting to override'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 60: 'Move on'

Gov. Mike Dunleavy would very much like legislators to simply give up on the education bill he vetoed. That's what he's planning on doing.

AKLEG Day 60: 'Move on'
Members Public

AKLEG Day 59: 'I'm not sure.'

It's the deadline for Dunleavy to make a decision on the education bill, and no one has any clue what he's going to do.

AKLEG Day 59: 'I'm not sure.'